Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
republic OF CHICKEN +bird |
8, 15, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 |
republic OF CHICKEN +star |
35 |
republic of noodles +star |
42 |
BANANA republic |
3, 16, 21, 28 |
BEANS republic |
16 |
BITZ republic |
25 |
BOHEMIA czech republic +sta |
21 |
CR czech republic +circle |
21 |
FAB republic |
16, 42 |
FUN republic sport +wreath |
25 |
GLOBAL republic +line |
14, 18, 21 |
R&D republic of denim |
25 |
RAW republic |
25 |
RND republic next denim |
25 |
ROCK & republic |
25 |
WILD republic |
28 |
czech republic +circle |
21 |
MOHANZ repute |
33 |
repval |
16 |
rescure +globe & circles |
5 |
research india organisation |
41 |
research international |
16 |
3R CONSULTANTS research |
35 |
AD ABSOLUT DATA research |
35 |
AGASTYA research |
35 |
ALBANY molecular research |
42 |
ANKUR research |
31 |
research |
41 |
research |
44 |
B research-a passion |
36, 41 |
BD LEX legal research |
41 |
BIO research |
41 |
BLEND-A-MED research +snake |
3 |
BMOM fertility & research |
44 |
BRIX research |
9 |
BRTTI bharat research |
41 |
CRD dna research center |
31 |
CRE certified research |
41 |
research |
42 |
7, 37 |
ENVIEW research development |
42 |
FARRA finance and research |
41 |
FOMENTE research & care (i) |
35 |
FOMENTE research and care |
35 |
16 |
GENOM research foundation |
36 |
GODAVARI research hybrid |
31 |
GORDON research conferences |
41 |
GORDON research seminars |
41 |
GRIDSTONE research |
36 |
HHMI JANELIA research campu |
41, 42 |
ICFAI securities research |
9 |
JDM scientific research |
16, 42 |
LAM research +triangle |
9 |
LUPIN bio research center |
44 |
MANSI research +circles |
33 |
MI SQSSKI research +stars |
7 |
research |
35, 36 |
MP research lab +plant |
5 |
MRPC mustard research +drop |
29 |
research |
5 |
ORCHID research +flower |
1, 10, 16, 35, 36, 41, 44 |
PRATHAP elemental research |
1 |
RECOGN research |
9 |
RUBICON research +arc |
42 |
S SEMLER research center |
42 |
SCDHRL quality of research |
5 |
9 |
SNEH ayurved research +leaf |
5 |
SNEH ayurved research labs |
3 |
SSN research centre |
16, 41 |
UGAM research solutions |
35 |
VIBGYOR research support |
42 |
engineering research +arrow |
41 |
research |
41 |
xpert dna research +tick |
44 |
y reseller |
16 |
BACARDI reserva |
33 |
OTRAMS travel reservation |
9 |
reserve NO. 1 +grapes |
33 |
33 |
DOCTOR'S reserve no.1 |
33 |
KHODAYS royal reserve +crow |
33 |
MC DOWELL'S no 1 reserve |
33 |
MOHANZ reserve whisky |
33 |
OLD MONK gold reserve |
33 |
OLD MONK gold reserve +man |
33 |
33 |
STARBUCKS reserve |
35 |
gold reserve +building |
34 |
jaisalmer reserve |
34 |
resham +butterfly |
30 |
resham FRIENDS +women |
5 |
resham hair heena +woman |
3 |
resham hair henna +woman |
5 |
R resham creations +woman |
24 |
RANG resham |
24, 25 |
1 hotel & residences +squar |
3, 36, 41, 42 |
AVANTI residences |
36, 37, 42 |
AVANTI grand residences |
36 |